Create Debian sysroots

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We'll create Debian sysroots suitable for a GCC cross compiler.


Debian or Ubuntu or any system that can run debootstrap.

Everything below runs as root:

sudo -i

Install debootstrap

apt install -y debootstrap

Run debootstrap

mkdir -p /tmp/sysroots
cd /tmp/sysroots
arches="amd64,x86_64-linux-gnu arm64,aarch64-linux-gnu mips,mips-linux-gnu mips64el,mips64el-linux-gnuabi64 ppc64el,powerpc64le-linux-gnu"
for arch in $arches; do IFS=","; debootstrap --arch $1 --variant=buildd stable $2; unset IFS; done

Fix symlinks

Debootstrap will create absolute symlinks, fix absolute symlinks to refer to the sysroot dir by changing them into relative symlinks.

for arch in amd64 arm64 mips mips64el ppc64el; do find debian-$arch -type l -lname '/*' -exec sh -c 'file="$0"; dir=$(dirname "$file"); target=$(readlink "$0"); prefix=$(dirname "$dir" | sed 's@[^/]*@\.\.@g'); newtarget="$prefix$target"; ln -snf $newtarget $file' {} \; ; done

See also