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Create Debian sysroots

434 bytes added, 13:51, 24 November 2019
Run debootstrap
cd /tmp/sysroots
for arch in amd64 arm64 mips mips64el ppc64el; do debootstrap --arch $arch --variant=buildd stable debian-$arch; done</nowiki>
== Fix symlinks ==
Debootstrap will create absolute symlinks, fix absolute symlinks to refer to the sysroot dir by changing them into relative symlinks.
for arch in amd64 arm64 mips mips64el ppc64el; do find debian-$arch -type l -lname '/*' -exec sh -c 'file="$0"; dir=$(dirname "$file"); target=$(readlink "$0"); prefix=$(dirname "$dir" | sed 's@[^/]*@\.\.@g'); newtarget="$prefix$target"; ln -snf $newtarget $file' {} \; ; done
== See also ==
* [ debootstrap]

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